نمونه Writing TASK 2 آیلتس (نمره8)

برای آموزش زبان انگلیسی و حتی زبان های غیر انگلیسی آموزشگاه زبان سپانو در شمال کشور بهترین است چون ما اعتقاد داریم برای هر نیاز یک دوره با برنامه ریزی دقیق وجود دارد ، تیم مجرب و خبره برای آموزش ، بالای 300 کیس موفق در آزمون های بین المللی ، استفاده از بروز ترین کتاب های دنیا برای آموزش زبان ، محیط گرم و دوستانه، آموزش زبان های غیر انگلیسی ، آمادگی آزمون آیلتس ، آمادگی آزمون تافل ، آزمون IELTS ، گرفتن نمره بالا در آیلتس از ما تلاش کوشش از شما

Some people believe that sport is an essential part of school life for children, while others feel it should be purely optional. Discuss these opposing views and give your own opinion.

Sport in general and in educational settings in particular has turned to be an issue.For some, sport has continued to be a useless part of school program, and at the same time, it is a highly regarded area in the school curriculum for others. So who is right?

People in favor of physical education in schools have some reasons, the first of which is looked upon from a health standpoint. They argue that childhood, being an important stage of life, is time for children to develop physically. No doubt, leading a sedentary life, owing to the technological advances and popularity of computer games, can harm children’s bodies to a great extent. Doing regular exercises based on a schedule at school can more than compensate lack of physical activities at home. In addition to helping children enjoying physical health, sport can hone such personal skills as team working in school children. Assignment of different roles to schoolmates by a teacher to do group work in sports like football can help cultivate, further, and in the long run instill teamwork in them, which can help them become productive and sociable citizens in future.

Turning to the other side of the argument, those having and developing a negative attitude towards putting sport as a compulsory subject in the curriculum of schools claim that sport as a subject at school is nothing but waste of time. This precious time could alternatively be more productively dedicated to other important subjects for students to overcome their weaknesses or even some filed trips to understand more of the world in practice. They suggest that the onus should be on parents at home to be role models for children to do sports and develop physically, not on teachers.

All things considered, although some people make a valid point that school time can be better spent educationally, I personally tend to think that school is not a place entirely to teach pupils arts and science, but a chance for children to develop physically and learn the skills that are hard, if not impossible, to master at home. Making sport an optional subject to be taught at school could create serious health issues.

منبع :ztcprep  

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